How We Take Our Clients From A State Of Disease Into True Wellbeing & Vitality

Ready To Thrive (And Not Just Survive)?
Most patients want to feel healthy and be well, but often, the definition of being healthy is the absence of symptoms combined with a myriad of possible solutions. Our WellMatrix program is based on principles of the Blue Zones and wellness so you can increase your disease resistance while also restoring your vitality and wellbeing!
Most patients want to feel healthy and be well, but often, the definition of being healthy is the absence of symptoms combined with a myriad of possible solutions.
Perhaps exercising is the path to being healthy. Or maybe it is eating more vegetables and fewer processed foods. Choosing salads instead of hamburgers? Managing stress? Supplements? Avoiding plastic and BPAs? Statins for cholesterol?
There are populations, five to be exact, that have figured out how to be truly well. These populations are found in the Blue Zones, or areas of the world in which the locals have low disease prevalence and routinely live well into their nineties, with many centenarians.

Researchers credit their remarkable health and wellness to their lifestyles: They eat diets consisting of mostly vegetables, fruits, nuts, healthy fats and proteins, and they often eat with family. Many families grow their own gardens and raise their food for themselves and their community. Their communities are important to them — families are tight-knit and homes are multigenerational. Many are spiritual, practice stress management activities and live in safe and healthy environments.
Increase Your Metabolic Reserves & Improve Your Physiological Resilience
The goal of the WellMatrix Program is to provide a framework for measuring health resiliency to keep you strong and healthy!

Regardless of where we live, our bodies fight off various diseases, environmental toxins, physical ailments and other stressors. This is called physiological resilience.
Think of it this way: When you eat, your body must break down your food and then use it in a variety of ways. Your body may use some of this food immediately. You may store some of it for later use. Your body has built-in mechanisms to handle your food. You will produce insulin and other hormones, enzymes, and other chemicals to handle this automatically. Then, when you are done handling the digestion of your meal, your digestive system powers down until the next time you eat.
If your resilience is up to par, you do not know this is happening. However, you must have the right components for your body to digest, as well as perform millions of other activities, every day. Proteins and fats are used as building blocks. Vitamins and minerals are used to catalyze millions of chemical reactions every day. All these components are part of your metabolic reserve.
If your body begins to run out of those reserves, your resilience begins to suffer. If you do not have components to make specific enzymes, you will not be able to digest the proteins that you are consuming, which means the building blocks you need will not be available for growth and repair. If your body is overly focused on stress, it is using up metabolic reserve that may be needed somewhere else.
That’s why the WellMatrix Program is based on principles focused on increasing your metabolic reserves and improving your physiological resilience. It’s important that we focus on things like diet and nutrition, along with physical activity. But, when we look at the day-to-day signals that drive health resilience and disease resistance, there are many other influential factors that play key roles in overall health. The goal of this program is to not only increase your disease resistance but also restore your vitality and wellbeing.
Introducing The WellMatrix Health Resilience Program

The WellMatrix 4 Markers of Wellness
Most health care practices focus on disease care and dedicate hardly any time to the real prevention of disease. For example, rarely does the health care provider discuss vitality with their patients – instead spending time on history taking, testing, diagnosing and implementing a plan to help treat disease.
Once the patient is free of their specific illness, they are no longer connected to the practice until a new disease process afflicts them and then they return when the next crisis occurs.
Yet most clinicians know that if the patient slept well, diminished stress and ate a well balanced plant-based diet, their physiological resiliency would be high, and their metabolic reserves filled to the maximum.
To address this shortcoming of most conventional treatment plans, our WellMatrix Program has identified four markers of wellness to help provide a WellMatrix Index, a starting point for your journey into true health. These markers were developed after researching a plethora of ideas and opinions from experts in the health care field combined with the principles from the Blue Zones.
Take the free assessment to get your WellMatrix Index!

Is the Wellmatrix Health Resilience Program Right For Me?

Tired of shuffling from doctor to doctor without ever getting to the root of your chronic health issues?
Optimize your health holistically through sound lifestyle modifications, advanced lab testing & mind-body techniques without unnecessary medications, then our program may just be what you’ve been looking for all along. Just know that it takes a serious commitment to make the lifestyle changes necessary to transform your health once and for all.

What Should I Expect From My Free Discovery Call?

During the free discovery call, we’ll determine whether partnering with our team is the best next step for you. We’ll go over any questions you may have about our approach, and how it differs from what you’ve tried before – so you feel comfortable about the journey ahead.

What About Supplements & Lab Testing?

As a prospective patient, you may wonder about additional costs not included in our program fee.
We know that you’ve likely been to other providers before that may have already run lab tests. That’s why during our comprehensive intake consultation, we will review any existing lab results – so that we can determine if additional, more advanced lab testing is needed to confirm a diagnosis.
Although supplements can't make up for a poor lifestyle, we may recommend certain pharmaceutical - grade supplements to support your body’s innate healing process.

What Should I Expect From The Initial Appointment?

Before the initial paid appointment, you will complete our extensive background history forms so we can properly review your history and lab results. During the appointment, we will review your completed intake form, medical history, current and past lab tests – as well as any medications taken, so that we can arrive at a baseline assessment of your overall health and nutritional status. If needed, we may decide on more advanced lab tests to confirm (or rule out) a specific diagnosis, so we can create a personalized treatment protocol.

I didn't know where to start with my health journey. The Wellmatrix assessment showed me that we were on the right path.

I didn't know what supplements or diet I needed to be my healthiest. The Wellmatrix program gave me the answers.

I felt okay but the Wellmatrix program showed me that I needed to work on my gut for long term health.
Our team strives to provide you with the most effective and medically advanced techniques available. We are here for you… to help you finally reach your desired health goals.
When we speak over the phone, we’ll assess whether this program is right for you… and answer any questions you may have. Simply pick a time and date that works best for you!
To get started, simply take the FREE assessment to discover where your body needs extra TLC!